"Fashion is in the sky, in the street, fashion has to do with ideas, the way we live, what is happening..."- Coco Chanel

Sunday, 29 August 2010

The Cost of Fashion

For most teenage girls $100, or £59.50, is a capacious amount, especially when you’re on a monthly budget of £20. But apparently not. According to ‘Teen Vogue’, the teenagers’ style bible, it seems that any credible fashionista should have no qualms at splurging out on £50 leggings, courtesy of the bank of mummy and daddy. (I certainly can’t afford it!) I for one have been a victim of the seductive glossy spreads before now, and convinced myself it was necessary to fork out over £200 in the summer for my outfits. I’m now rationing my toothpaste in an attempt to save some pennies, as the bank of mummy and daddy has decided that due to the recession, it has had to fold. And unfortunately, I don’t get any government bail-outs.

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